Thursday, April 12, 2012

Pros and Cons of Environmental Impact of Auto Shipping

By Tom Kearns

Everyone in the modern world is discussing the environment and expressing their concerns with words such as sustainability, greening, recycling, means of ecological protection and the replacement of fossil fuels with biomass-type energy. These words are pretty much inventions of the mid 20th to 21st centuries.

Of real concern is the fact of global warming and the contribution that the auto shipping industry is making toward it. There are certainly environmental accidents waiting to happen within the industry, but auto shipping will continue and is sure to even increase its business due to the popularity of the service. This does not give the auto shippers the license to pollute and the industry understands that it must face the responsibility of lessening the damage it is doing to the environment.

The major detrimental environmental impacts are those of ground waste and ecological destruction. The automobile industry is certainly guilty of this also, yet no one is trading in their car for walking shoes. Our autos and our penchant for relocating our bases of operation are two things that are too convenient, too productive and too intertwined with our society to give up. Automobile manufacturing is also labor and material intensive, distracting environmental concerns from other hazards that may be just as critical.

The environmental concerns with both automobiles and their shipping are not trivial. It is also true that automobile manufacturing and auto shipping industries exist because of intense global consumer demand. The key is finding harmony between efficient business practices and the environmentalists demands to make the planet a better place to live. In fact, some of the major auto shippers have introduced better containers, sound computerized scheduling and superior inventory management systems to lessen the negative impact of their industry on the environment.

Of course the auto industry, not to be outdone, has introduced eco-friendly hybrid and electric cars that began with the current market's Toyota Prius and is now gaining strength with most of the car manufacturers, domestic and overseas. As this trend continues, it is sure to decrease the costs of production of these vehicles and therefore the cost to consumers. This is a terrific breakthrough for the use of non-fossil fuels. Some of this technology can undoubtedly be transposed into the auto shipping industry as well as many other fuel consuming industries.

We homo sapiens are responsible for many of the conditions that harm our environment and yet will not deny ourselves some of the joys and conveniences of our lives that contribute to its destruction. At the same time most of us care deeply for the environment and the future of the planet. We must come to grips with this dichotomy and find sustainable means to support our habits while causing no environmental or ecological harm.

What is wanted here is a united front of all of us working together to help the environment and save it from destruction. Businesses can do the same by getting together with environmental engineers to come up with new technologies and business practices that will alleviate the harm done to the planet so our descendants will continue to have a world, and hopefully, a better one.

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