Friday, June 29, 2012

Check out These excellent ideas for Green Energy Technology

By Deane Stoop

Green energy has been getting a lot of good press lately. People who support it claim that this is a better option over anything else; it benefits the environment and and it saves you money. Can this be true? Here are some simple tips for using more green energy in your life; find out the truth for yourself.

Solar hot water heaters are an excellent way to have lower costs on your hot water energy use. Look into hot water systems that run by solar power. There are direct circulation systems as well as indirect systems. The best option for you is the indirect one if you might have frozen pipes.

Shade your windows from the sun to prevent energy usage. You can do this by putting up blinds or curtains. When you use these two things in tandem, you will find your heating and cooling bills will plummet. You can save money and energy throughout the summer.

When the season changes, adjust the settings on your thermostat. Drop your thermostat at bit in the winter and raise it a couple of degrees in the summer. Adding layers of clothing and removing them if you become too warm, helps you rely less on your home's furnace and use much less energy as well.

Perhaps you can't power your entire home through renewable energy, but you may be able to start with a section. For instance, you could add panels that will only heat the water in your home, or use panels just to heat your pool.

If you utilize a dishwasher, avoiding using it until it's filled up. A half load uses the exact same amount of water and energy as a full one. When running the dishwasher, ensure that you are using the energy-saving option, which allows the air-drying of your dishes.

Instead of using the dryer in the summertime, hang clothes outside in the warm sunshine. As well as drying your clothes, the sun can also help your clothes smell nice. The smell of sun-dried clothes is much nicer than clothing tumbled in a dryer. You can also save money on your energy bills.

Demand legislation that encourages green energy usage. Your awareness as a citizen and consumer must be valued and used. If people were aware that certain companies chose profit instead of green energy, they may avoid buying from them. Companies will be more likely to use green practices if they have to maintain public responsibility.

Wait until your dishwasher is full before running it if you want to save energy. If you only have a couple of dishes, do not put them in the dishwasher and turn it on. With a little effort, you will be amazed by how much you can fit in one load. Take care to line up your dishes, so you are able to put in as many as you can.

Make sure that your oven's rubber seal is in good order. A break in the seal can put you at risk of wasting up to 50 percent more energy. So be sure you inspect the seal of the oven frequently.

Think about installing a shower head that saves water. This will help you save water. You will see a decrease in each water bill cost while benefiting the environment.

When installing solar panels, ensure that the energy-storing batteries are installed as close to the cells as possible. This can stop power loss in the cable. It also prevents the cable covering the cells, which would reduce their generation capability.

Make your own ice and reduce your energy consumption. Not only do automatic ice makers waste energy, but they break down often. Ice makers generally increase the temperature in your freezer if they develop a leaky seal. Avoid having these issues by using ice cube trays to make your ice cubes.

Consumers can help lower the cost of green technology by demanding energy efficient and environmentally friendly products. All consumers have the power and right to encourage technologies that are environmentally friendly. The more you request them, the more products that will be available at reduced prices. This encourages manufacturers to alter their practices.

Use your microwave whenever you can reasonably use it. The stove uses a good bit of energy. So when you can "nuke" your food, do so to cut down on energy usage.

When you take a small step towards using more green energy, you take a big step towards saving yourself money and protecting Earth. As you can see from this article, being green does not mean that things have to cost a lot or be complicated. You can have an environmentally friendly house today.

About the Author:

1 comment:

  1. More ways to save on your electric: Rely on sunlight as a source of light during the day if you aren't running the AC, don't run the AC while lightbulbs are on causing excess heat going to be overlaid by the AC. Also, buy energy conservative light bulbs, they exist.

    -Sharone Tal
    Solar Installation NJ
