Sunday, February 24, 2013

Using The 2 Drum Spill Pallet Keeps You Out Of Hot Water

By Paula Barron

Modern chemical containment, as far as drums, tanks or barrels have not changed much over the years. You still need to have these containers in your plant and that can be the beginning of a problem. That problem being, of course, the possibility of a leak developing that will present either a health or, at least, a slip hazard. Implementing a 1or 2 drum spill pallet system will help keep you from more serious problems.

The EPA and OSHA is quite definite about what constitutes a spill and what, specifically, should be done about it. The reporting, the clean up and the aftermath is not something many busy businessmen want to deal with. They do because that is the nature of not being prepared for this eventuality.

When a spill, which is simply the uncontrolled leaking of a covered substance onto the floor or other surface, happens, many protocols have to go into effect. These procedures are designed to recover from this and, possibly, prevent the next occurrence. The paperwork, the extra expense and personnel are all expected to be taken care of as well.

This type of problem will happen at that point in time that you would least expect it to. The production in this area will have to be shut down and all personnel removed. Other non contaminated items can be removed and barriers set up to prevent others from entering. Nothing being produced during this time and people being paid to simply sit is not a way to run anything.

Hazardous material personnel will be employed to recover from this spill. These are specially trained and gowned in protective gear to provide maximum protection for themselves. The neutralizing compounds are used to ensure all spilled material is made inert and placed in drums for disposal. Since this event did not need to happen, the premium costs incurred are adding insult to injury.

The vast majority of these spills can be all but eliminated by using a 2 drum spill pallet system to prevent this from happening. The barrels, drums or tanks sit on the pallet and can be moved around with the forklift pockets provided. These are strong pallets, made from a polyethylene material that does react with most compounds.

The chemical will flow through the gates inserted into the top surface of this pallet. The containers can completely empty out into the pallet as there is plenty of room for them. This dangerous liquid will not reach the floor so there is no actual dangerous event and the costs and procedures involved are a lot easier to implement.

When a leak is noticed, and the pallet can accept the total contents of whatever containers set on them, the pallet is moved and the leaking drums can be drained in to other barrels. The grating can be removed, the pallets drained and cleaned according to appropriate guidelines. The 2 drum spill pallet is something that needs to be looked into as a time, production and money saving system.

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