Sunday, March 3, 2013

Oil Supplies & Environment

By Roger Frost

The Chinese were drilling wells and using oil to burn off brine for salt as early as 347 AD. Using bamboo for both pipes and drills they reached depths of 800 feet. Romans used the oil in tar to build walls over four thousand years ago.

It was the ability to distill kerosene from "rock oil" was developed in the mid 1800's that began the evolution of oil drilling and refining. In the 1950's oil replaced coal as the foremost fuel in use in North America.

In the early days oil companies relied on seeps in the ground or drilled near existing wells as their method of finding oil. Later the oil companies came to rely on geology and the magnetic method of identifying potential oil fields. Tools used by oil and gas explorers were fairly basic and depended on fundamental variables in the earth's physical condition: gravity change, magnetic field change, time change, and electrical resistance.

Fracking is a technique used to release petroleum and natural gas. The natural gas includes shale gas, tight gas, and coal seam gas and other substances for extraction. This type of fracturing creates fractures from a well bore drilled into reservoir rock formations.

Fracturing can be traced to the 1860s, when liquid, and later, solidified, nitroglycerin was used to stimulate shallow, hard rock wells in Pennsylvania, New York, Kentucky, and West Virginia. Although extremely hazardous, and often used illegally, nitroglycerin was spectacularly successful for oil well shooting. The object of shooting a well was to break up, or turn into rubble, the oil-bearing formation to increase both initial flow and ultimate recovery of oil. This same fracturing principle was soon applied with equal effectiveness to water and gas wells.

Many environmentalists are concerned that fracking may contaminate drinking water for local citizens. In the United States, fracking has already been tied to groundwater contamination, methane leaks and is criticized for its use of toxic chemicals in the drilling technology. In the UK, where it's a relatively new practice, regulation of shale gas harvest is still in the development stage. Even with good regulation the risks of water supply contamination could continue to haunt us.

Devastating storms and lives lost, houses destroyed, sweltering heat waves, menacing bush fires, plunging winter temperatures, droughts, floods and even snowstorms in the desert: this is the reality of our weather due to Global Warming. While the United States is trying to deal with Global Warming, its neighbor Canada is becoming the world's number one polluter. The Alberta Tar Sands will damage our environment to the extent that it will affect future generations for many years to come. The full extent of this damage will never be known in our lifetime. The Harper Government is willing to sell our immediate and future environmental concern for a quick profit. This money will soon be gone and future generations will have to bear the brunt of this governments excesses with increased health care costs and large areas of habit destroyed for eons.

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