Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The Need To Build Schools In Kenya

By Shirley Parker

The future of the world is in the classroom. The passport to the future is education. Tomorrow belongs to those who pursue education today. The most powerful weapon that can change the world is education. The power of education should be harnessed to create better societies. Education is not preparation for life. It is life in itself. The initiative to build schools in Kenya is a very noble initiative. That is because Kenyan children deserve to get high quality education like their counterparts in the West. Educating a single Kenyan child is simply educating the entire village.

There are two things that should be there is a society: schools and hospitals. There should be as many schools as possible. Having many schools will mean that there will be an opportunity to educate many doctors and that will greatly improve the state of society. A school will not only produce doctors. It will also produce engineers, lawyers, accountants and pilots.

In a hospital, lives are saved. One might come to a hospital, very sick and in a bad state but will leave the hospital feeling well and having being saved from the pangs of death. In a school, lives are also saved but in a very different and unique way. Actually, schools are in the business of saving people from ignorance.

The developing world is facing many challenges. In some parts of Africa and Asia, people even do not have access to clean water. Among the problems facing a country like Kenya is the challenge of having few educational facilities. That means that one school handles more than its fair share of students subsequently leading to poor learning conditions for students.

Building a school is a noble thing to do. It is actually giving a child in a developing country a chance to get much needed education. In the Western world, people have easy access to education. In some countries, there is even free education from primary to university level. However, that is totally not the case with many third world countries.

One can contribute to the initiative of building schools in Kenya in his own unique way. Just passing the message around is a contribution in itself because there is the need to sensitize the world about the lack of learning facilities in some African countries. Making a monetary contribution of any amount will be a very good thing to do.

One should not contribute money to the first organization that he comes across. Of course, there are many frauds in the industry. One needs to find a charity organization that is highly reputable. Reputation is the one thing to consider before contributing to charity. One should find an organization that dedicates most of the income to charity rather than to administrative costs.

Being educated is not a privilege. It is the right of every child to obtain a descent education. The solution to the problem of ignorance that is very rampant in the developing world is education. Ignorance is a real killer, not just in Africa but also in other parts of the world. Education makes the world to become a better place.

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