Sunday, April 14, 2019

Matters Featured In Environmental Modeling And Software

By Patricia Rogers

Individuals have to be notified about unhealthy lifestyles that lead to an imbalance in an ecosystem. For instance, instead of cutting trees, people can find an alternative and eco-friendly source of livelihoods. Basically, environmental modeling and software list relevant articles that have been written in relation to ecology. Specifically, ecosystem challenges that can be highlighted are explained below.

The first issue that is often addressed is public health. Almost all concerns that affect the surrounding fall back to this topic. For instance, pollution, insufficient water, and high population affect public health director. Notably, research by the World Health Organization confirms that for every four reported deaths, one is caused by unhealthy surroundings. Notably, this issue is not only affecting underdeveloped countries. Today, several individuals in established States refuse to take vaccinations leading to a resurgence of illnesses such as polio and measles.

Articles also address land issues. In the modern world, the land is becoming a scarce commodity, especially in urban areas. Due to uneven resource distribution, more individuals are moving to urban centers that are more developed and have more resources. Urban migration has led to issues such as a rise in crime rate, congestion, and poor housing. Unless stakeholders start sending more resources to rural areas, space problems will persist.

It is essential to discuss matters regarding waste disposal. Markedly, throwing some trash in a can is easy but very few people do that always. People realize the long term effects of their actions when passing near a smelly dumpsite. If waste is not handled properly, it eventually ends up in natural habitats such as oceans and rivers. Therefore, it does not only pose danger to those living on earth surface but also inside water.

Overpopulation is a challenge that is majorly affecting developing nations. Worldwide, the overall population is almost hitting the maximum number of people who can be comfortably sustained by the planet. When these exceed, available resources will be scrambled for by both humans and animals. However, if individuals are taught on mechanisms to control birth, nations will avoid getting to an unsustainable point.

When the balance in an ecosystem is affected, the probability of loss of biodiversity is high. Biodiversity refers to various living and non-living things in a specific ecology. Living things are dependent on each other. For example, human beings rely on plants to get their food. Wild animals rely on forests for habitats. Therefore, if there is insufficient rain to water plants and trees are cut down to occupy forest land, then both people and animals will suffer. It is important that societies understand this correlation to combat biodiversity loss.

Most countries have witnessed a significant fall in water levels in major sources such as dams and rivers. The climate in various places has changed considerably due to the destruction of the ozone layer. Water scarcity is as a result of high temperatures leading to excessive evaporation. Apart from these, industrialization and overpopulation has led to water pollution.

Research indicates that the highest percentage of greenhouse emissions emanate from deforestation as opposed to industrialization. The primary importance of trees is creating a balance between carbon dioxide and oxygen. Most individuals who cut down trees are not aware that their actions contribute to the destruction of the ozone layer. For this reason, addressing this challenge is valuable.

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