Thursday, July 19, 2012

Innovation Leads to Change in Positive Ways

By George Hamilton

The human race is capable of being a lot more innovative and inventive, but stifling laws, health professions, and safety professions have held back progression. A society that is forced to use standardized methods and never allowed to deviate from the norm, will fall behind when it comes to innovative growth. Sticking to tried and true procedures isn't always the best choice because some of the systems are fundamentally flawed and without innovative thinkers, we won't make progress.

Many people resist change because they are in their comfort zone, but this only prevents growth and innovation. While some flexibility is permitted to at least challenge the rules, most people don't bother because they would rather go with the flow. Industries that embrace change and welcome it are a step ahead of the rest and can grow exponentially where others are stifled.

Our society is set up to investigate what people have done wrong and prove them liable for causing accidents, instead of looking at the innovative side of things. Perhaps the individual was trying to implement a change for the better, or introducing a new procedure. These factors are overlooked when investigating accidents.

This is an occupational hazard in some cases because it only focuses on a certain set of criteria while other pertinent information could be discovered if the procedural safeguards were abandoned. By only judging the sequence of events in accidents by standardized guidelines, we will only be able to see the things that were wrong instead and can miss out on the positive aspects entirely. If we could take a step back and look from a different perspective, we might be able to see it differently.

The internet and media are full of accounts of people who have been scrutinized for abandoning the beaten path and accused of cutting corners at the expense of others in order to get their job done, or get paid. The media loves to make examples of these people and turn them into the bad guys while health and safety officials are the good guys. The truth is that everyone is human and capable of making mistakes.

Buried within these examples are people who were implementing an innovative idea to get things done efficiently. The public neglects to see that there is more to the accident than the wrongs. No one will admit there might have been a better way of doing things because it fell short. There is still a positive aspect to the situation and that is the birth of a new idea.

Jumping the gun on an innovative idea can be dangerous and obviously leads to accidents because the idea hasn't been formulated into a working plan, in this case. Sometimes people will have the beginning of an idea and then act on it without formulating the rest of the plan and weighing out the possible outcomes. This can be very dangerous.

Safety regulations and environmental safeguards should still be followed because they have been implemented for a reason. However, the professionals should allow a little slack in their rigid ways of thinking and welcome change that could result in improvements. Accidents in the workplace aren't always caused by someone's stupidity or because they were unsafe. We all need to step out of our comfort zones every now and then and realize there isn't only one method for doing things.

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