Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Solar Energy For Homes - Is It Now Possible?

By Eugene Bruns

Solar energy is the perfect energy source. Solar energy will be free and will be available in perpetuity; all you need to do is gather it up an use it. This article is meant to give you some of the many benefits of solar energy so that you can evaluate whether you should move forward with outfitting your home with solar.

The energy produced by the sun is not limited to the light we can see. This is part of the reason people tan when they sit outside but not when they are in their own homes. This is also what allows the sun's energy to heat an object. The invisible parts of the sun's energy is what is used to produce electricity or heat. In solar heating systems, the sun's energy is collected in the form of heat to either warm a building or produce hot water. These systems are relatively simple.

The odds can go either way on whether or not your particular home is capable of being fully self-sufficient via solar power. Even if you have tons of sunlight and an ideal roof, you need to have a back-up plan for overcast days. If you feel comfortable maintaining a connection to the municipal grid, this makes a fine source of back-up power. As an added benefit, you may even be able to sell surplus power to the electric company when it's extremely sunny.

Look into any recent laws supporting clean energy that are offset by laws that end up increasing the price of clean energy. For instance, a recent tariff placed on imports from China of solar panels promises to increase the use of panels manufactured in the U.S. but also promises to further raise the price of an already expensive product.

Do not make the mistake of trying to install solar panels yourself. This isn't a good idea. These are a rather substantial investment, and they are your energy source. You need to have a professional install all of your solar panels and equipment.

Although it's possible to install solar panels on your own, you should be aware that there are a lot of risks involved. An improper installation can seriously impede the amount of power your panels generate. There's also a certain amount of danger involved in installing this bulky equipment on your roof; it would be very easy to injure yourself or damage your brand-new solar panels. For these reasons, leaving your installation job in the hands of professionals is a good idea.

What does the future of solar power hold for you and your home? As mentioned above, solar power cells are getting more efficient all the time. Today, an extensive roof-top installation can just meet the power needs of a house in an ideal environment. Some lucky homeowners with the right set-ups even generate more solar power than they can use, and they pick up a tidy profit by selling electricity back to the utility company. You can expect the number of homeowners doing this to rise as the technology improves, and you may well be one of them!

Installing solar panels on your home not only will pay off over the long term, it will drastically reduce your carbon footprint for years to come. By considering the factors from this article, you can decide whether you can afford solar panels and if the cost is justified by the benefits.

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