Monday, April 29, 2013

Steps To Have Green Schools

By Bertha Wells

The kids should be taught early that they can do many things to help care for the environment. Everything that people do will have a direct effect on the environment. They should better do the necessary steps to have the green schools Westchester than to slack off. Children and adults could take the little measures to make sure they show their care for the environment.

Students should be taught by teachers but they too should become good examples. They should teach children the proper disposal of ways and recycling. The use of paper for instance, should be limited and they must know how to recycle them. Such steps would save millions of trees.

It also counts to use the printers the wisest way they can. It would be good if the offices would reduce on their printing habits and needs. Teachers and students could also ditch the paper and use emails instead when submitting their projects. This is a good way for them to save on paper and ink. It is also healthier for the environment as less waste is produced.

The canteen should use real plates and cups instead of disposable ones. These would only encourage more of the plastic that would be added to the dump sites. The students should use real utensils and kitchenware also to encourage healthy practices.

The school can use less of the electricity when they use compact fluorescent bulbs. It will cost the school much less to use these than the tubes. Also, the electricity consumed by the bulbs are lesser. These can also stay for a long time therefore the school will not be replacing them often.

Students and the members of the faculty should start a biking or walking revolution. These things are very important and could help people with getting fit. Instead of simply using cars, they can get some sweat out when they pedal or walk. It will emit less emission as well therefore giving more care for the environment. The school officials will be surprised at how this would help everyone.

Everyone should develop a habit of not using the plastic bottled water. They can instead use refillable bottles which they can just fill with water again in the drinking fountains. They will throw less plastic in the garbage bin and they will save a significant amount from it.

The campus should be filled with plants which would help it become more diverse biologically. It would help if every corner would be planted with a tree or would be filled with grass. It would set a very relaxing atmosphere perfect for learning. It will also mean a cleaner area.

Establishing green schools Westchester will take just simple steps. Administrations and the students can develop little habits which will eventually result in great things. What matters is that everyone would have the chance to help the environment in its dire state. No matter how small the act is, as long as everyone is doing it, the impact will be greater. It would really help a lot if everyone would do what they can to show more care for the environment.

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