Saturday, December 21, 2013

Procedures Involved In Medical Waste Disposal Florida

By Harriett Crosby

This article considers the various procedures to be undertaken for medical waste disposal Florida. It is prudent however to start by understanding what the medical wastes are. Medical wastes are the unwanted wastes materials which come from a medical care facility like an hospital. These types of wastes includes things like discarded lancets, discarded surgical gloves, discarded gloves, removed body organs and many more.

It is prudent to start by highlighting examples of these wastes. The examples includes the following, bandages soaked with blood, glassware, discarded surgical gloves, removed body organs, discarded needles and syringes and also discarded lancets.

The first step is segregation and containerization. At this stage all the wastes are separated in to various categories. This step takes place at the point where the wastes are produced. This stage is important since it prevents the wastes from reacting with each other. This stage is also important since they are disposed using different means. After the segregation, the wastes should be placed in a proper wastes bag or container. The wastes bags and the containers should also be marked for easy identification.

The next stage is the intermediate storage of the wastes. It is important that the wastes should be collected on a daily basis. After they are collected, they are stored at the intermediate storage facility awaiting proper disposal. These wastes should be kept in suitable containers and bags.

The next process is the transportation of these wastes from the intermediary storage the central place where the wastes from the whole health care facility. During the transportation, it is advisable that the transportation should be done using trolleys. The trolleys should be made in a way that it is easy to load and off load the wastes from the trolley. The other thing to ensure is that the trolley should be made in a way that the edges are not sharp. If the edges are sharp, they may destroy the bags used to carry the wastes. This may lead to cross termination which may be dangerous.

The people handling the trolley should be able to load and off load the wastes with ease. They should not struggle with them since they may get contaminated when they are struggling with them. Another thing to be ensured at this stage is that the edges of the trolley should not be sharp. This is because if they are sharp, they are likely to Damage the wastes bags and lead to the leakages of the waste and cross termination.

The other process involved is the transportation of the wastes from the central place to where they are going to be disposed. It is advisable that a specialized vehicle is the one which should be used for the transportation. The importance of using a specialized vehicle is to ensure that to ensure that the wastes are properly handled in a manner that it is appropriate. The edges of the vehicle must not be sharp as well.

The other step is in regard to treatment of the wastes. It is important that the wastes materials should be treated first before being disposed of. This ate the necessary stages to undertake in Medical Waste Disposal Florida.

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