Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sampling Methods Used By A Lead Inspector In San Diego

By Marcia Marks

Elevated levels of Pb metal leads to lead-poisoning. Most of Pb metal that later find itself in water or other food comes from Pb-paint. A good number of old buildings have Pb-paint on the inside and outside. When old paint cracks and peels, it generates dust which gets in to the child body when he put his hands or toy in his mouth. Due to the safety and health risk associated with this, Pb abatement is normally ordered by the state or the local government to eliminate any hazard that is caused by Pb. Inspection must be done by a certified lead inspector in San Diego.

The extent Pb poisoning manifestation depends on the age of the affected person. Children are the most affected, and those poisoned show the following characteristics: stunted growth, attention deficit disorder, low IQ, learning disability among others. Adults are only affected by high levels of Pb, and those that are already poisoned will exhibit the following symptoms: nerves disorder, fertility problem, increased blood pressure just to mention a few. Medical intervention should be sought early enough to avoid fatality from happening.

Detecting the presence of Pb and it elements require the expertise. The process involves the collection of a number of samples from various parts of the building. These samples are packaged in the right material, labeled and take to the laboratory for analysis. In the chemistry lab, a certified lab technician does a detailed analysis of the samples.

Sampling is very important; care is taken because improper sampling might not yield the best result. Three sampling methods are commonly in use by many experts; this is because of the variations in the materials used in building. Discussed below are the three commonly used sampling methods.

The first method is known as dust wipe sampling. Samples are collected from areas such as interior window sills, window troughs and floors. One should avoid surfaces such as bricks, cloth-covered furniture, carpets because they will not produce good results. In this method, one collects dust with a moist wipe after which it is folded with the contaminated side facing inward and this should be done aseptically. When sampling, one should have gloves on.

The other method is soil sampling. This is based on the fact that most peeling paint particles end up on the ground. This method is not that much reliable compared to dust wipe sampling. However, it is not requirement from the state and local authorities for compliance with hazardous waste regulations, but rather is vital for safety within home.

Paint chip sampling should be done before dust sampling to minimize the prospect of cross-samples contamination. The person collecting paint chips should wear new disposable gloves for each sample. This method is a requirement as many paints that property owners use are made of Pb.

After the analysis has been done and the results are out, the lead inspector in San Diego reads and interprets those results. From there he draws conclusions on the extent of Pb poisoning and suggests what should be done to eliminate hazards. Another sampling is then done to ascertain no lead is present in the area.

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