Friday, July 4, 2014

How Professionals Deal With The Pre-1978 Lead Paint Contamination In Homes

By Rosella Campbell

Leaded paint especially in the older homes is considered one of the biggest risks to young people in the family. While the paints may not be a threat if they are not peeling off, it is most likely that because of age of buildings, the painting have started deteriorating and peeling off. By pre-1978 lead paint inspection in San Diego, CA you are able to know the levels and call for expert leaded paint removers.

Painted surfaces which are in constant contact are bound to give forth friction effects. The scraping and falling of leaded paint particles from walls and ceilings to the ground may cause contamination on dust resulting to some health problems. Additionally, leaking painted water equipments may pose detrimental effects on humans upon their mismanagement.

Damage caused by lead exposure usually has two dimensions. The negative effects affect everyone no matter the age bracket. Children suffering from poisoning may complain of hearing loss, vomiting, impaired short term memory, retarded growth, anemia as well as lack of food appetite. Adults do not fall off the hook either. They experience advanced and more complex effects from the exposure.

Impaired short term memory, behavioral problems, hearing loss, impaired growth, loss of appetite, anemia and vomiting may also exacerbate the health of the child. Adults may additionally experience symptoms such as weight loss, anemia, muscle aches, stomach cramps, pains, constipation as well as abdominal pains. At high levels, the exposure to the metal can affect various nerves resulting to hand and feet weaknesses.

At high levels, this harmful metal can cause adverse effects on various nerves resulting to weakness of hands and feet. Low exposure levels on the other hand, may impair the functioning of the kidney. At advanced levels, the exposures may damage the nerves making the hands and feet to malfunction. This condition is referred to as motor nerve.

The painting work on the old homes suspected to be contaminated with the metal particles should be done by only qualified technicians and not any other painter. While performing this task, everything in the room including the beddings, food, shoes as well as accessories should be relocated to a safer premise in order to prevent them from cross contamination.

Air inlets such as ventilation and windows need to be covered completely with heavy materials. This is after evacuating all the items from the room to be painted. It should the onus of the worker to clad apparels best suited to the painting job. These may include safety clothes, shoes, respiratory gadgets, and dust masks.

The most difficult part is the cleaning and removal of the contaminated painting. It can even affect the contractors as well as the family. Things such as sweeping off dust, discarding otiose materials, disposal of coveralls and evacuation of debris should be carried out immediately after completing the job.

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