Sunday, July 27, 2014

Why Pre-1978 Lead Paint Inspections Are Essential

By Miranda Sweeney

Homes containing leaded paints pose risks to the owners, contractors, and other people who have access to these properties. Homes that were build before 1978 have high possibilities of containing leaded paints. Through the help of pre-1978 lead paint inspectors in San Diego, CA area, premises owners are able to know the amounts of this metals present in paints. When not disturbed or peeling off, the paints may not be a threat.

There are many home inspections, which are done, but most of them emphasize on the structural integrity of properties and the functioning of systems like sewer lines. While homebuyers may ignore this important inspection, they ought to understand that they may be putting their families and tenants in danger. If you do not inspect your property, you might expose children, women, and other people to the metal.

While the paints may not be harmful especially if they are undisturbed, with time, as they age, they could start peeling off. The flaking paints will release those particles to other surfaces including the soils, walls, windows, and floors. When the dust particles are inhaled, they might cause troubles in people.

Often, the effects of exposure to lead are not felt immediately and many a times, they occur slowly. With repetitive exposure, the level of such metal in body increases reaching the threshold amounts where symptoms begin to appear. The effect can be life threatening and premises owners should make a point to have their properties inspected.

Luckily, this metal can be removed by scraping the old paints and repainting homes with new lead-free paints. When homebuyers are purchasing homes, they should inquire with the real estate agents or sellers of any possible presence of leaded paints. If a property was constructed during those old days, probably it has contaminated paints.

When doing renovations on buildings suspected to contain contaminated paints, contractors should evacuate all people from those properties. No other people are allowed to access a building being renovated. Condoning such a building will prevent possible exposure to such particles.

When contractors are removing the paints and working on other surfaces, they should wear protective clothing, respirators, and other body covers to prevent inhalation of this metal. Although paints with these particles may not be harmful, when they are disturbed, the can easily release those particles in soils, air, and surrounding thus exposing them to people. Other surfaces within a contaminated room ought to be covered when renovations are being carried out to prevent possible cross contamination.

During renovations, the paints are disturbed thus allowing the particles to be released in air, soils, and other surfaces. Contractors working on properties said to contain these paints should be knowledgeable on how to handle the substance. They need to use protective clothing including masks, skin covers, gloves, and overalls. With the right approach in mitigating the risks associated with leaded paints, family, home dwellers, and contractors can remain safe when they are in the properties.

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