Friday, July 15, 2016

How Erosion Control Companies Help To Save The Planet

By Gregory Stone

It is no secret that the planet is under severe pressure. Non renewable natural resources are plundered, water sources and the very air that humans need to live are polluted and the soil is poisoned and abused. Eroding soil can be the result of natural processes but it is mostly human endeavours that cause valuable soil to erode and to become barren. Luckily, erosion control companies can do much to either prevent it from happening or to rehabilitate soil that has already eroded.

When the fertile top layer of soil is removed, whether on purpose or due to natural processes, the remaining land is vulnerable for further damage and it cannot support vegetation. This in turns render the site useless as a habitat and source of food for a wide variety of plants, animals, birds and insects. As if this is not enough of a calamity, such sites often cause land and mudslides, causing even more damage to the environment.

The facts are very simple. If there is not enough fertile soil then it is impossible to grow enough crops to feed mankind and to sustain other life forms, including birds, insects, animals and plants. Man is the biggest culprit. Construction, mining and even farming is commenced without any though for the environment and without taking steps to prevent serious eroding of the soil. Fertile soil is not a renewable resource.

The truth is that there is much that can be done to prevent damage to the soil and even to repair damage previously done. One of the easiest ways in which to achieve this aim is to do everything possible to prevent the removal of established vegetation or to establish new vegetation where it is not possible to prevent its removal. Vegetation plays a vital role in binding the soil, thus protecting it from floods, wind damage and mudslides.

Enterprises specializing in the control of eroded soil have an arsenal of technological solutions available. Silt barriers are used to prevent landslides and mudslides to get out of control. There are wind barriers that will protect sites against the devastating effects of strong winds. Even sand bags are used to help protect newly established vegetation and to prevent the soil from being carried away by water.

In many countries developers in all spheres of life is required to perform an environmental impact assessment before they start their activities. In many cases the issue of a license to conduct mining activities, for example, is subject to a condition that the developer will rehabilitate the land. However, critics say that the laws in this regard are not strict enough.

If all developers act responsibly and hire the services of an erosion expert before they disturb the soil much damage can be prevented from the outset. The cost of hiring such experts should be part of the budget of every new development. Many organizations utilize the land without even realizing that they are causing serious damage. Hiking trails, for example, can lead to eroded soil.

Mankind has only one home and once the earth can no longer sustain life there are no alternatives. Everything possible must be done to protect the environment and the only habitat mankind has. Experts warn that the situation is critical. It is time that these dire warnings are heeded.

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