Friday, March 15, 2019

Basic Notes On Environmental Remediation

By Christine Green

The environment we live in is polluted with different harmful substances. These substances are produced by different manufacturing companies. They cause pollution on our surroundings. This has a negative impact on human health, plants and animals. Land remediation authority requests an immediate action on Environmental Remediation.

Quarrying is an activity that helps many people in earning a living across the globe. It helps many raise their standard of living. The mined granite, marble, limestone slate and sandstone were traditionally and recently used for hard flooring. Stones are used for building permanent buildings. However, this process causes noise pollution, damage to biodiversity, habitat destruction and air pollution.

Excessive use of farm fertilizers, industrial activities and chemical spills are the main contaminators of the soil. Therefore, they must be used with care or should not be applied in excess to the soil. Air also requires cleaning up. Mostly, air is polluted by burning of compost wastes, releasing of toxic fumes to the atmosphere by the industries and vehicles that exhaust fumes to the environment.

To reduce this pollution from the air, it is wise for the government to look for ways to reduce these industries and vehicles. For instance, by burning these wastes in a fume chamber where by the fumes released to the atmosphere are less hazardous to the environment.

Environment restorative is a process that is very important in cleaning up an area or restoring it to its natural status. In most instances, pollutants in the soil and water are brought about by industrial firms that do not operate anymore, or those that closed their businesses before regulations were put in place.

This makes it difficult for those animals living in water to breath. Some end up dying of insufficient air. Plants also are unable to synthesis therefore drying up. In some cases, this water drains in the same water body used by the surrounding inhabitants. This may cause hazardous effect on them leading to sudden or slow death. Some on using it to shower may cause skin effects.

Some manufacturing companies emit sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. These gases react with water molecules in the air to produce acids. This results to acidic rain. This rain has indirect health effects on humans which may lead to serious illnesses, such as cancers and respiratory system related diseases.

In conclusion, the responsibility to take care of the surroundings lies on each and every individual. Nature is so good at giving back, and when not taken good care of, the final result could have a negative effect on human, animal and plant life. But in areas where the environment is already contaminated, environmental restorative can be carried out to restore it back to its natural state.

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