Thursday, April 14, 2011

How to Start Beekeeping Today

By Amanda Gamdana

Individuals who look for the perfect home business, often overlook a great alternative...that of beekeeping. Apiculture, as its also known is a great business, because the cost is minimal, there is a need for the items, and it is all natural and good for the environment. It's a good way to make some additional money for your loved ones, while at the same time giving yourself with honey, wax and various useful products.

What you should Start your Beekeeping Business

You really don't need a great deal to start this kind of business. You don't even actually need a lot of space, because hives can even be kept in a small garden or even in a rooftop garden. But they should be kept close to plants that produce nectar, like meadow flowers, or clover. Bees also like oilseed rape, so if you are in an area where that is grown, a beekeeping business would be ideal. Now this does not mean it has to be right not far away, because bees travel as many as four miles to get their nectar.

Now, once you've decided where to have your bees, you need to select the sort of hive you want. The sort of hive that is most used in beekeeping is the Langstroth hive, so called as it was the name of the inventor. This is the wooden box with frames of wax that come in the honeycomb pattern.

Learn Before You Start

A beekeeper manages the hive in such a manner that the honey production is kept at a maximum. It does take some knowledge and skill, and anyone who is considering starting a beekeeping business, needs to learn, perhaps not everything about beekeeping, but at least the fundamental principles. If your seriously considering this new enterprise, then you should pick up a few books on the subject, and whenever you can join a local beekeepers association. You will learn a lot from being around other beekeepers.

The Tools you will need

The great news is that beekeepers don't need a lot of tools, especially if they are merely managing a few hives. You will have to have a hive tool that will allow you to open the hive and inspect it. You will require the hive and the bees. You will likewise need some protective clothing and a smoke box.

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