Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Assets Gained by Implementing a Good Solar Energy System

By Jared Sanders

Everyone knows that solar energy is beneficial. However, solar power has yet to become mainstream, despite its advantages.

Solar power use is very cost-efficient over time. It is definitely more costly to install solar panels than it is to use existing energy utilities, these panels will however belong to you and pay for themselves leaving you with a free energy solution to enjoy. Sunlight costs nothing, right? Your usage of energy will determine your return on investment. Spending much on maintenance will not happen as photovoltaic cells can last over 15 years. There are no moving parts to worry about oiling or keeping an eye on, and you won't have to replace any components annually, either.

Solar-based power has no negative environmental impact. Unlike fossil fuels that will be depleted in four or five decades, it is renewable. The process of converting usable electricity from solar energy saves the environment from being harmed by the release of chemicals. Once everyone is using solar energy, nitrogen oxide, carbon and sulfur dioxide, mercury and lead emissions will be a past memory. Using solar power will help reduce global warming.

Solar power will help limit energy industry hazards, such as, the use and transport of natural gas and oil. Kerosene and candles are still being used widely in underdeveloped countries, present health risks. The use of solar energy lowers or even eliminates risks like these.

When its not feasible to use traditional methods of power generation, solar energy is great. Even locations far from city centers can receive solar panels because after they are transported and installed they shouldn't need attention for many years. Asian countries have installed these solar panels in many communities and have reaped clean and reliable power benefits for years.

Independence from foreign oil can be achieved faster by poor countries through developing solar power. This often causes a surge in new energy policies that are meant to serve to heighten the benefits of this energy independence for the people of these countries. This independence will also permit countries to spend money on programs other than buying oil from foreign sources.

There can be drawbacks to using solar energy, though, and an important one is how much it costs. When weighing the pros and cons, you'll certainly see over time that the former definitely outweigh the latter. Solar power will continue to come down in price as the technology advances.

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