Friday, June 3, 2011

When It Comes To Green, Dollars Make Sense

By Dean Prater

The fact of the matter is that one reason our planet has become such a damaged place, when it comes to the environment, is basic human nature. That same determination to advance ourselves that drove the industrialized nations to bring us railroads teeming with black smoke-belching trains and 'miracle' chemicals that were ultimately found toxic can be re-purposed for far better things say capitalism fans. Let's further examine just what money has to do with getting our world to a better place.

The advocates of using entrepreneurial and financially motivated means to bring about green changes say that money can be the real 'eco-revolution'. When it starts to be not only positive, but positively profitable to make changes then we are definitely going to savor the full gamete of changes. Katie Kieffer of wrote a recent column ( in which she stated that free market techniques will save the world, so to speak. She mentions that better innovations for the tech industries much needed "rare earths" that are now strip mined in China could be less detrimental for the planet, the companies that lead the way, and our purse strings, as well.

Of course, companies are not the only ones that reap benefits in a green revolution where money matters. Consumers have the ability to receive pay for producing clean energy. The fact is that according to a recent Huffington Post article (, in the state of Tennessee this is already going on. Several individuals in Nashville receive payments for feeding power back into the grid that come from the solar panel arrays on top of their houses. That is an excellent example of how to really profit from helping make the planet a safer, cleaner and less costly place to live.

Many are now choosing to make a difference and it is saving them money or bringing in even more money than before. Many businesses are looking towards customized reusable bags knowing that the PR this inevitably generates will be positive and, in the long term, quite lucrative. Businesses that have a good public image find success easier to achieve. Even the typical person choosing a store that showcases promotional reusable grocery bags is likely to be shopping in a more conscientious setting where lower prices, or in the very least higher quality products, are quite likely to be found. Really, changes are being seen everywhere.

So do you think money matters when it comes to improving our world? Plenty of examples say yes. If people profit, they really do like to take part in improvements and it leads to a positive experience for them and their families, as well. This is in large part the way that we are coming to witness the power of cash in aiding for a cleaner planet.

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