Monday, August 15, 2011

Defining Climate Change

By Francis Black

When you begin to take a look at planetary warming it can be quite overwhelming to get a firm grasp on what's truly going on with the topic. There's a plenitude of info regarding the subject and many folks are at odds about it. Either way however , I don't believe that it's such a really bad idea to want to take extra care of the planet and its resources. With that having been said, we'll take a look at global warming and some general concepts about the topic to try to basically give you an outline of what global warming is and how it's different from climate change.

Global warming is precisely what it sounds like. It's the warming of the average temperature of the planet's atmosphere as well as the troposphere. These little changes in the temperature of the planet could cause dramatic changes in world climate patterns. Global temperature increases can be caused from natural events like seismic and volcanic activity as well as from human causes such as burning carbon-based fuels.

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Climate change is starting to become the preferable term and one of the most important reasons for that is that there are more things that are taking place to the climate besides just the heating up of the atmosphere.

These changes are not new to the planet. We've had global warming before. The earth has gone through ice ages before and that is one of the biggest arguments of those who say that global temperature increases is a myth. Some of this is often accredited to natural changes in our atmosphere, but the science is there to support the idea that burning traditional fuels and deforestation is having a clear effect on the rising temperature in the world.

It is the burning of these fossil fuels and deforestation that create what are referred to as CO2 emissions. CO2 emissions essentially collect up around the top of our atmosphere. We need them to some degree because they hold in heat and are what keeps our world warm. When their concentrations become too high, they don't let enough heat out and that causes our atmosphere to heat up.

According to reports, the average surface temperature of the earth has risen between 1.2 and 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit over the last 100 years. Now this may not seem like much, but you have got to understand that our planet is an exceedingly complex ecological system that's accustomed to regularity and these kinds of changes become magnified when they are spread out through the whole planet.

We've been seeing the effect of planetary warming for years in the form of glaciers melting, extending of growing seasons for many species of plants, trees blooming earlier than they used to, ice forming on lakes and rivers not being there for as long as it used to be and many others.

Whether you suspect global warming is a parable or not, these changes that are occuring to our world are undeniable. It might take a hundred or more years for things to get really bad from where we are presently, but that doesn't suggest that we should disregard the problem and hope that it'll go away.

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