Thursday, August 4, 2011

Do You Consume Too Much Electricity Without Intending To?

By Charles Black

Before you insist that you're innocent, let's go over several common routines most people have. The reality is that everyone ends up wasting electricity whether they see it or not. Let's talk about a few things you may do out of habit that consume too much electricity without meaning to.

With having straightforward access to info on various ways to going green problems, there's simply no excuse for not uncovering ways to really make a difference in the planet now. Both men and women are every bit as guilty so let's look at a power wasting habit of women to start. When the laundry is done, and the clothes have been run through the dryer, often the load is forgotten for a couple of hours, or even until the next day. When this happens, many clothes ordinarily look very wrinkled when they're taken out. A lot of people turn the dryer on again for another cycle, thinking that this will take the crinkles out, rather than ironing the wrinkled clothes. Compared to an iron, a dryer consumes a great amount of electricity, which is totally wasted when your clothes are already dry.

And ladies, don't get distressed as men consume a lot of electricity as well. Men, for some reason, appear to have a one track mind. Have you ever walked into the workshop looking for your husband, and all the lights are on and the music is blaring, but he's nowhere to be found? And as if that's not bad enough, there's more. What makes it worse is when a man forgets completely that he left everything turned on and heads off to do something else, maybe even for the rest of the day. Lightbulbs, and even power tools, can be left switched on for hours, until they finally go back and discover what they've done.

Something I am guilty of, and I am sure 90% of you readers are guilty of as well, is leaving lights on. This may happen at night, but can likewise happen in the morning when you awaken and turn on lights because it is still dark outside. Of course, you need the lights to see so it's not a big problem at that point. When it gets light out, wasteful power consumption starts. It's not difficult to forget the lights are switched on until you leave the house. If you neglect to switch the lights off before you go somewhere, they can stay on for the entire the day, which consumes even more power.

By trying to be more conscious and careful about our use of power, we can do our part to help the environment and save a bit of money. A very good habit to practice is to always switch off the light when you leave a room. Another good habit is to use an iron to smoothen out wrinkly clothes and leave the dryer off after the clothes have dried. Make a habit of switching off the lights whenever you leave your basement, even if you're certain you'll be back right away.

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