Saturday, November 3, 2012

Teaching Kids About Natural Energy

By Morgan Lee

As the saying goes "children are our future" and that's why it is important to teach them how to protect the planet and natural energy is a very important aspect of this. We use energy in our every day lives and are constantly seeking ways to use it in a manner that is safe for the environment.

The first step is to teach them about conservation in general. They should know why they need to change their ways and how this can help the environment. Additionally, they should learn about using renewable power sources. Many of these activities can be done at school; however, some things can be taught and practiced by parents at home.

Solar power is a great example a renewable power source. When learning about sun, children should also learn how it can be used in other ways. Children learn through doing, there are kits that allow children to experience using this as a source of power. Solar powered toys are a great way to incorporate play time and learning about the simultaneously.

Children who live in windy areas will be pleased to learn how this free and clean source of power can make their lives easy. Science projects using wind turbines and propellers are a fun and interesting way to show students how wind is translated into power.

Water conservation is important. Kids should learn at a young age, the importance of using water sparingly. So showing them how they will benefit from water as a power source will help them take this seriously. Explaining the enormity of dams and how they can help produce hydro-powered electricity will certainly get them thinking.

All this information can be too much for the younger children. However, they probably still want to participate. There are many initiatives that can be implemented in the house hold to get the children excited and involved. For example, they could get involved in recycling projects, use water sparingly, remember to remove their cellphone chargers out the wall socket and consider the cost to the environment when shopping for new items.

Learning can and should be fun, so both parents and teachers should get involved in the process. Children also learn best when they experience things themselves so, it's important to teach lessons and activities about natural energy in a fun and interactive way. At he the end of the day, they will be living in the future that they are protecting.

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