Thursday, January 15, 2015

Different Kinds Of Spill Containment Berms And Their Usage

By Kristen Baird

There is a reason why safety and security measures are part of the major factors that make companies pass accreditation. Regardless of the nature of the business, it is common knowledge that accidents can happen. May it be inside the building or on field, there are cases that are beyond our control and that can pose a threat to the lives of the people.

These scenarios are very common especially in industries that deal with chemicals. Workers on field are constantly at risk and are vulnerable to possible hazardous spillovers that could happen. This is where spill containment berms are needed. They facilitate the absorption of the dangerous liquid and make sure that they do not affect the soil and water of the place.

One good thing about this material is its wide availability. There are various companies who specialize in the production of this goods and their distribution is widespread. The product also comes in different styles that cater the need of different consumers.

The first type is the small and portable one. They are lightweight and durable, making them easy to store. They also have flexible sidewalls, making them a favorite pick in small stores in the city. This type is ideal for spills from drums and small containers.

Next type is the assemble one. It comes in an L shape format and can be placed anywhere that needs spill absorption. They are known to be the most affordable type and have a variety of sizes. Assembling is also easy. They can also be customized to fit the specifications of different clients. All you need to do is to give them a call.

Third, we have the automatic kind. No need to assemble. You may place it directly on the area that has spills and let it do its job. This can cost higher than the others depending on the material but is best regarded for its convenience factor. If you value convenience most, this can be your best pick.

Lastly we have the spill berm dikes. They are effective for fluids that need to be diverted to somewhere else. This is considered as the most resistant to chemicals type. Spills that involve a chemical of strong components will likely be best addressed using this type. This is not permanent though. Experts suggest to use this only temporarily.

Spillovers that are not taken care of immediately can be fatal to the people who are directly in contact with it. That is why it is recommended that any kind of spills be addressed. Some chemicals have the tendency to seep through sewage systems that can affect the quality of water distributed in the area. Chemicals that seep through soil can also be harmful to the plants or those livelihood products grown in farms.

Be mindful of spills and do your best to prevent them. But also be prepared in case things do not go your way. Have these containment berms ready just in case. Being prepared is better than being sorry later. The health of your workers is at stake. Be a responsible employer.

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