Monday, December 26, 2011

Embellished Shopping Bags Make Excellent Gift Holders

By Max Barrett

For every single ton of garbage that your town dumps, it pays a price. That's right, garbage costs make up a part of your local town's budget. And throughout the holiday season, this bill can see an upward increase. The EPA forecasts that the household trash throughout the holiday season raises by over 5 million! A part of this waste consists of gift wraps, but there are tactics to check this. A report offers environment friendly methods for gift-wrapping this holiday season.

Buying eco-friendly gift wrap versus. using what you have on hand

If you want to purchase eco-friendly gift paper recycled from post-consumer goods, by all means just do it. It will make much more sense if you have purchased an eco friendly gift item for your family, good friends or workmates. But you might also get by with boxes, grocery bags in addition to jars already available in your house. That way you can save funds; and let's be realistic, an additional cut in your financial budget with these shaky times is always pleasant. And according to the report, there are actually numerous 'household wrapping items' that can be used effortlessly!

Paper shopping bags and gift bags

A paper shopping bag can make a very good gift wrap. You can have your kids color the used paper grocery bags and utilize these as gift wrapping paper. This can be a really good strategy to keep your kids amused whilst also giving them the opportunity to unleash their imagination. The shopping bag may be first adorned and then wrapped around the gift, or possibly you can do the gift wrapping first and then draw pictures on it. You can even go with gift bags because your recipients will be able to reuse them for many years. Stylish recycled bags are an additional brilliant option; again they will serve your gift recipients a practical purpose besides being an eco friendly decision.

One of a kind gift wrapping

In their joy to see what present they have received, a great many younger recipients barely give the gift wrapping a second look. It is possible to change this with a more resourceful approach to gift wrapping. Why not consider using an old map, your children's artwork or perhaps the comic section of your newspaper as your gift wrap? This makes your present appear a lot more intriguing, and most certainly hold the interest of younger receivers. A further one of a kind gift wrap is an empty or unused jelly jar. Clean one and then fasten colored seed paper on the top or perhaps around it for a embellished look.

Furoshiki and other gift wraps

Furoshiki is a traditional Japanese wrapping technique using cloth. Any leftover fabric can be utilized to wrap your gift item. Check online for a variety of Furoshiki gift wrapping techniques - there are many to select from, beginning from a basic wrap, hidden knot wrap and four-tie wrap to a flower wrap, bird wrap and a bottle wrap. A few other objects that can work as gift wrap include cereal boxes as well as paper towel tubes. According to the type, size and shape of your gift item, you'll be able to select which of these abandoned household items will work best. The approach is to be imaginative, different, and obviously as eco friendly as is possible!

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