Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Z5 Retrofit-- Too Good To Be True Or A Dream Come True?

By Annah Perez

Looks like it's a bit of both!

Individuals considering electric cars, hybrids, lighter cars, and technological developments to meet the two biggest risks that the world we see these days faces-- Global warming and accessibility of fossil fuel.

In the midst of fuel-prices sky rocketing, heavy taxation on automobiles, and of course, the current global financial crisis; a teenager from Israel seems to have found an answer. Let's see what it is.

We have had scams before, tornado design air-filter attachments that claimed to lower fuel usage, decrease emissions and boost torque. Many of the utilization reports recommended rather to the contrary. Therefore we were quite skeptical.

The Z5 Retrofit-- The research behind the magic

So what's The Z5 Retrofit all about? A simple attachment seems to pass air through an alloy chamber before reaching the internal combustion engine. $ 208 seemed a little steep for a gamble. However, since we saw reports of lab tests, road tests and extensive documentation of what the Z5 has done in terms of fuel economy and automobile emission levels, it could be worth it.

Let's now have a look at what they have stated when they asked a patent. It seems the wonder-boy Zion has found a way to upgrade the oxygen capacity of the air that is supplied into the engine, and\/or reduce the quantity of other gases that might slow down the combustion operation.

It is commonsense that if fuel burns in an oxygen rich environment, it burns better-- and the better the fuel burns, the more power and lesser emissions it provides with each powered stroke of an engine cylinder. So if the Z5 does what it is supposed to, it makes sense that it would lead to increased fuel economy, increased power output as well as decreased emissions.

How does the Z5 work?

Well, we identify sulfuric acid takes in water. Likewise, activated carbon seems to consume toxic gases and foul odors. Obviously, Zion Badash, our wonder-boy tends to have chosen a metal alloy that absorbs pollutions and flame retardants from normal air. This is furthermore something they've claimed in their patent filing.

The form of the Z5 guarantees all or most of the air channeled into the combustion chamber passes through a wire-mesh made from the proprietary alloy. The alloy will definitely (basically) to take in or minimize all the undesired gases and suspended particulate matter in air that lessens the combustion method. And you get clean air that provides the fuel burns clean and complete, providing the uses of power, fuel economy and a greener globe.

Unlike what we have seen in earlier attempts, where we have had "My dog ate my homework" style test results furnished, Z5 has thrown their test results from emissions as well as laboratory tests, wide open to the world to see.

From the detailed emission variance reports and fuel consumption data, it seems just too in the face to be faked or doctored.

Why is it so expensive?

The Z5 patent filing has suggested that there "could be" precious metals such as gold and silver applied as elements of the alloy or as surface coating components, which once more makes for commonsense why the cost of the Z5 is as excessive as $ 208.


The technology make sense

The issues are quite effective

The installation isn't very complicated or expensive


We don't have usage data for periods exceeding 6 months or a year

We don't have the definite means that Z5 utilizes to clean up the inlet air

The price is high for a modern technology that is not time tested.

Our verdict

It is a relatively new technology, so we could not have extensive usage data available. It is a simple technology, so it is obvious that the makers want to keep the alloy secret. The makers have claimed to use gold and silver in the Z5, so that explains the price tag. Most importantly, the usage reports seem to be too obvious and too authentic to ignore.

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