Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Marketing Environment

By Aiden Garcia

No business exists and operates in a vacuum, but as a part and parcel of the environment in which it finds itself. Efficient and effective marketing strategy is a function of the marketing manager's ability to understand the environment in which the business operates. The marketing environment consists of a set of factors or forces that operate or influence a company's performance in its chosen target market.

Jain (1981:69) defined the marketing environment to include all those factors that may affect the organization directly or indirectly in any perceptible way. Marketing environment factors affects the organization by the way of input and the organizations also affect the environment by output. The relationship between the organization and the marketing environment is often referred to as "inseparable" the organization and it environment are constantly in a state of: give and take" or homeostasis. The marketing environment consist of those forces or element that impacts on the company's capability to operate effectively in its chosen target market.

"Walking is highly efficient in its use of urban space and energy, it rarely causes injury and it gives streets vitality and personal security. Many car trips are quite short, less than 2 km, indicating that walking could be a feasible alternative and contribute to reducing the pollution from a cold-start vehicle travelling only a short distance." C. Mason, Transport and health: en route to a healthier Australia? Medical Journal of Australia 2000

Pollution of environment effect the human life. One in five people around the world are dying every year due to factors related to the effect of environmental pollution. But, the most dangerous problem of environmental pollution on human life is the greenhouse effect. The Ecumenical Water Network said about 1.1 billion people worldwide, most of them in Asia, are denied of adequate water and sanitation, while two million people die every year of diseases caused by poor water and sanitation. Most environmental problems are occurring by improper use of energy and resources. The new generation people are not aware of the importance of recycling the energy and conserving it, which in turn leads to more serious problem.

"... helping whole communities, whether they are large cities or small towns, or parts of communities, i.e. neighbourhoods, business districts, parks, school districts, subdivisions, specific roadway corridors, etc., become more walkable and pedestrian friendly." In the UK, Living Streets ( is a similar organisation who state their aim as being,

Customers: Customers are those who buy goods and/ or services produced by the company. In a purchase chain, different people play significant roles before a purchase decision is made. The various influences must be understood. The customer may be the consumer of the products where he/she is the user. The critical factor here is that needs and wants of consumers are not static. They are fast changing. The changes in the preferences of the consumer create opportunities and threats in the market. The changes called for the marshaling of separate strategy to either fit into windows of opportunities or survive the threats in the market. A good knowledge of consumers' behavior will facilitate the design and production of goods and services that the customers need and want, and not what they are able to produce.

Another method is to reuse the spent natural resources and materials manufactured with trees/plants for their conservation. To reduce the demand of the resources, reuse all recycled materials. Environmental Sustainability means: "Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs." So for this we have to keep the population densities below the carrying capacity of a region, facilitate the renewal of renewable resources and keeping environmental impact and also conserve the environment." We must remember that God entrusted to us the environment to use it responsibly. Our dominion over nature and other living things means stewardship not domination and exploitation or use without regard for the Earth's caring capacity to reproduce and rehabilitate".

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