Friday, December 16, 2011

Types Of Trees

By Brenton Sommers

Trees, like all other species, come in different kinds and sizes. When we see trees, we know they differ amongst themselves, but some aren't sure what types of trees there are. There are many divisions of trees, but a good information to have in mind is that there are about 60.000 or 70.000 different species of trees. Most of us have heard of evergreen trees, and the name is pretty self explanatory. When a tree has evergreen leaves, it means it has them throughout the whole year.

Types of trees can sometimes be divided according to types of leaves they have. For instance, evergreen trees have two different types of leaves: leaves in the form of needles are the first group. They are long and narrow, and have the shape of a needle. Most of these belong to coniferous trees, such as pines, cedars, yews, and so on. The other type of leaves is called broad. Trees from tropic and equatorial areas are in the category, and the most famous representatives are magnolia and ficus.

Of all the flowering plants, and there are about 9000 species, grass is considered to be the most successful. Not only does it grow quickly, it produces seed as well. There are very few things that will stop it from growing, and even when we insensitively walk across it, run, or play soccer, it soon gets upwards again. It will keep growing even after a heard of cattle comes and grazes on it.

One division, but keep in mind that trees can be divided in many ways, of trees can be done according to their flowers, and in this division they an be categorized into two types. Flowerless trees and trees with flowers. Flowerless ones do produce seeds, but these aren't enclosed in a carpel. The most famous in the group are: firs, cedars, cypresses. Trees which have flowers have usually very shiny ones, and there are about 224.000 species which include dicots and monocotyledons.

Where there are trees, there is no need, or there is less need for heating and cooling. Do you know what this means? Trees save energy, energy we desperately need and waste mindlessly. Being sustainable is the key for a long life on this planet, and the sooner we realize it, the better chances of living long, healthy lives we'll have. Don't cut trees like they're nothing, trees let us breathe by giving us exactly what we need. Let's give them something in return.

Simpodial trees make the majority of trees. Their main characteristic is that there is no main stem, but there are two, sometimes more, main branches which grow from the tree trunk. Thanks to the way it develops and grows its shape at one point starts to remind us of an umbrella. Such a structure is good for developing many leaves, which means such trees have the ability to capture more sun.

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