Monday, July 11, 2011

Suggestions on How To Stop Consuming Too Much Electrical Energy Every Day

By Iris Baird

Compared to other nations around the world, America squanders electrical energy the most. With environmental problems like pollution and the depletion of the ozone layer, we should be very aware of how much electricity we consume.

Here, we are going to cover just a couple of things you can do to help save energy and also save a little money each day. These are very simple things that anyone can do, we simply have to make the choice to do them in order to help planet Earth and ourselves.

The first thing you can do is to actually switch off the lights each time you go out of the room. Many of us likely temporarily leave the living room lights switched on when we go to the kitchen to get a snack because we believe we are returning soon. If you do this for merely a couple of times each day, it could add up to at least half an hour of wasted electrical energy. Even if 30 minutes doesn't seem like much, remember that millions upon millions of people do this daily. If you add up the minutes for the year, that would be more or less 182 hours of power just for one light in one room for each soul that does this. Now multiply that by just 1 million individuals. That adds up to 182,000,000 hours of electrical energy being consumed a year on merely one light.

Aside from leaving the lights turned on when exiting a room, many of us turn the lights on when walking into a room. This has become something that's done by a lot of people. I find I am guilty of this quite often. The problem is that even during the day when you don't require the light because you're getting more than enough sunlight to light up the room. However many of us still come into a room and turn the lights on. Add to that, most us fail to remember to switch the lights off because there is already lots of natural light coming in we don't realize the light is still switched on. You simply have to make a conscious effort to not flip the lights on during the day unless you need to.

Those who leave their televisions and radios on all day, when they are not even in the same room is one of the biggest issues. I holler at my mother whenever I come visit and she has her television on but isn't even watching it. That's a great deal of electricity being wasted. If you are not going to be in the room any longer and the television is turned on, flip it off.

These are just a few simple things that can be done every day to help save electrical energy and to help save the environment by doing so. It doesn't take much to do what we explained but if everyone does it, irrespective of how little it may be, it will have a big positive outcome.

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