Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Value Of Spill Containment For The Environment

By Faye Elliott

A spill containment is the process of containing any chemical, oil or sewage spills. This is considered to be a more eco-friendly solution that absorbent kits which have only small capacities, require disposal and the absorbed agent cannot be recycled. Containing spills through bladders and valves have been promoted by transfer companies in UK. These can be retro-fitted to existing draining systems in a few hours and thus containing the spills.

Originally developed in th UK by leading transmission companies, the tools and methodologies involved in this can be performed easily and yield positive results in a matter of hours. The presence of chemicals and oils where they shouldn't be can yield to catastrophic consequences that will take a very long time to compensate for.

Chemical spills can occur anytime at a production site. They can leak from storage tanks and warehouses, during transportation, at the lab. The hazards when these things happens can only be quantified as intolerable.

Flammable vapor may be caused by a simple leak of flammable substances. Fires and explosions will definitely be the consequence of this mishap. A toxic atmosphere from toxic substances will also trigger a dangerous environment for people and animals near the area. The discontainment of spills can jeopardize human and animal life, not to mention the environment as a unit.

The threat may rise to an alarming level which endangers every living soul near a specific site. Oil spills can happen anytime or anywhere, deliberately or accidentally. When oil leaks into a large body of ocean, it could mean catastrophe. An example are the Bhopal tragedy and the Exxon Valdez oil spills.

If you were a sea creature minding your own business in the ocean, you would feel aggravated to find out that your home has been contaminated by something foul and dangerous to your health. If you do not leave this home, you'll just die. This is the life of a sea creature when it comes to oil spills. It's a leave or die environment.

Oil spills are one of the main reasons why some animals are becoming endangered. Sea otters, killer whales, sharks, sea gulls, and even penguins are just some of these poor creatures that are vastly affected by oil and chemical spills.

Spill containment is one way to protect the environment from accidents and negligence in chemical plants, industrial sites, and petrochemical factories. There are still many other ways of saving the environment. Be involved in these projects because by helping the environment, you are helping yourself.

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