Sunday, July 31, 2011

We Can Help Improve Our Current Environmental Crisis By Living Green

By Donald Browne

Our world continues to deteriorate as natural disasters, nuclear power plant failures and widespread apathy evokes havoc. Our worldEarth will end soon unless individuals snap out of their unconsciousness. Our troubles include an exploding population, political corruption, and insidious chemicals spewing into the atmosphere. The best thing for people right now is to live green.

Sadly, most individuals have no clue what the term green living is in its genuine sense. Anything that you do that causes a positive impact on the planet is green living. These are things that we should do so that the new generation will have a healthy world to live. The chief end result for living green is to have the planet be ecologically balanced. By living green, we will have the ability to clean our surroundings by getting rid of all the toxins in our environment. When we choose to live green, our planet will be a better place for everyone and we can maintain it for a very long time.

Nature's balance has been turned again and again, until there is only so much to be concerned about. There is evidence in many parts of the world of water evaporating and not replenishing. Our urban centers are nothing but tall concrete buildings without plant life around. The air is just bad that you can't walk too far without being covered in filth.

Future generations will live in a world where oil or trees are no longer around and the earth would fall apart. Every single day, our Earth is facing many ecological problems but everyone appears to be pushing it aside. Millions of people's lives are being threatened by the many serious natural disasters lately. Nature is contending with imbalances and so much pollution, on top of financial problems and global recession. Our money is not being expended properly on the things that are important. What about the our planet, or protecting nature, or getting people to switch to a green lifestyle.

What do we need to do to modify our habits and learn how to conserve. Is there a way to band together, to to have more trees planted, to switch off the power when not in use, and try to save water. Are we making an effort to clean up the environment for later generations? Are people doing enough to reduce the harm being done on our environment? Is the number of men and women who are living green enough to protect our later generations? We have little time left so we need to go and attempt to live green.

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