Sunday, August 11, 2013

Spill Berms Are Extremely Portable

By Andrea Davidson

After the terrorist attacks over a decade ago people have been concerned about a variety of chemicals getting into the public. Various systems and tools have been planned and manufactured for just such a role. It is for this reason (and others) that spill berms have been manufactured on a large scale with an even larger variety of uses.

The manufacturing process as well as the materials used to produce spill berms must be able to handle whatever situation they are used for. Some of the more standard products are made so they can be used and reused. When they are helping to guide the flow of water or other such liquids a simple hosing down will suffice.

Spill containment, while one of the biggest uses for this product, is not the only thing it can be used for. Some of the bigger and more sturdy ones, used in conjunction with plastic sheeting, thick of course, can be used for making a stable and relatively small pond like area. People, including teens, have used these for various reasons.

This way if it does leak, as suspected, the spill berm will keep the liquid contained into a small area around the bucket or barrel. But that's not all. People will use these around the house as well. They make great stoppers or guides for basements that have a tendency to leak when it rains heavy. Should that take place they can use the berms to guide the flow of the water to the drain.

The great advantage of these products is their extreme portability. They are extremely easy to transport anywhere. They can be rolled up or packaged for transport and some of the larger ones may even be assembled on-site if necessary. There is nothing else that can do the job and be transported as easily. They can even be placed in the trunk of a car when other similar tools need a truck.

These are used in the food industry as well. When the sinks in the rear of the restaurant overflow or the people washing dishes happen to make a mess, various rubber mats laid out across the floor keep them from slipping. But sometimes the water cannot get to the drain because of these mats. IN cases such as these the spill berms can be used to help direct the water where it needs to go.

Placing spill berms around these containers will provide a secondary layer of security just in case something does happen. Or maybe the mechanic knows that he has a leaky barrel of oil but he cannot take care of it until the next day or even a few days after the discovery of the leak. In a case such as this they are the perfect tool. Nothing does the job better.

Placing spill berms around the oil container will make sure that whatever happens to leak from the barrel will not go anywhere else except around the perimeter of the barrel because the berm has protected everything else. Nothing will get past and then when the mechanic can handle the problem everything is ready for him to do so. And nothing was leaked past the containment.

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