Friday, August 23, 2013

Why Visible Emissions Certification Programs Would Be Needed

By Tara Daniels

It is a very crucial matter to safeguard the environment. The surroundings play a really huge role in the people's lives. It provides the needs, home, and resources of the people. If the environment will get destroyed, the people will be affected. For this reason, it is really essential to get good measures for reducing the damage. Among the largest damage so far brought by humans will be air pollution. The environment suffers from this given the ecological imbalance, global warming, and various health hazards that it brings. Industries are mostly responsible for this. For this reason, they must undertake Visible Emissions Certification Programs. Know then more regarding this and why this is needed.

Air pollution causes varied deleterious effects. This will bring greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This will in turn, produce global warming. This is a really serious phenomenon which causes varied kinds of climate change. It also threatens ecological balance since climate change causes some changes in the activities, habitat, and living conditions of living things. Industries contribute largely in such phenomenon. Their many byproducts, works, and processes bring various hazardous pollutants. It is really essential for the government agencies to perform action on such matter. They need to perform something for mitigating the damage.

The creation of the EPA is due to such need. The protection of nature is the primary task of the agency involved. Air pollution is among its biggest thrusts. Regulations, recommendations, and measures for the decrease of air pollution are instigated by such agency. They are tasked in the reduction of the air pollution being produced by companies, industries, and individuals.

This agency mandates the reduction of smokes being produced for example. They have mandated that industries should always monitor smoke opacity levels. This is very important as smoke opacity would be a good indicator of pollutant content. When the levels would go high, that would mean pollutant content is also high. These smokes can easily spread to the atmosphere. It would bring along the various pollutants it contains.

The EPA is aware that industries could not eliminate smokes completely. Such smokes are inherent, natural, and logical byproducts in industrial processes. They could be minimized though. For this reason, the allowable opacity levels could reach 20 percent. If it reached beyond that in more than three minutes, such company will commit a violation already. The EPA could sanction them for that. If they will continue with committing violations, they could face varied legal consequences and might even be forced for closure.

So these opacity levels can be monitored, training of the staff should be undergone. The processes involve a lot of requirements, standards, and steps, so being trained is a necessity. Specific methodologies are even mandated by the EPA themselves.

The company must be familiar with such methodologies. They must know what steps will be involved. They must know what systems, requirements, and layouts will be needed for complying with such standards.

A proper smoke school could train one's company. Such schools are knowledgeable regarding method 9. Such schools could aid also in becoming certified.

Visible Emissions Certification Programs is a big necessity then. This should be undergone by the companies. The environment can be then safeguarded by this.

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