Thursday, January 3, 2013

Is Global Warming Real Or Hoax Find Out The Truth Now

By Jamie Derivieres

Many people want to know is global warming real or imagined. This has been a hot topic in recent years with many skeptics denying claims of environmentalists that recent natural disasters were caused by the rising temperature of the planet. Environmental advocacy groups on the other hand insist that the planet is being destroyed.

There are skeptical thinkers who say that the evidence of this crisis is not adequate. They may say that one to three years' worth of statistics does not support the theory of the world getting alarmingly warm. Some will even show proof that glaciers have naturally melted in recent years but have recovered.

Some skeptics will provide proof that contradicts the theory of a world heating up. Some of the data they will provide may include proof that the Arctic region is still cold and freezing or that places normally warm are getting chilly every year. They may even show you satellite information that says the globe is getting colder, not warmer.

Some scientists on the other side of the coin will say that they can't prove that there is such a thing as global warming. Some scientists were proven wrong when they predicted that the world was cooling in the 1970s. Some people will also claim that rising temperature is a natural occurrence that has happened before.

Yes, there are many skeptics that do not believe in the theory of a world heating up alarmingly despite proof that glaciers are melting at a fast rate or that forests are depleting faster than they can be replenished. Rising population and fast spreading urbanization are also of great concern to the environment.

Despite contradiction and sceptics on the debate is global warming real maybe you should consider other factors that prove it is happening. It might be wise to think that this could be irreversible unlike previous years when the planet was able to heal itself. Trying to rectify this problem now may be worth the cause.

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