Thursday, January 24, 2013

What To Know About Battery Recycling Dallas TX

By Dorothea Garner

Many batteries are manufactured from poisonous elements like mercury, lead, nickel, sulfuric acid and cadmium, which might affect the environment if exposed. The components found in the batteries must be disposed properly and avoid spillage into the landfill since it might affect the wildlife, as well as causing soil pollution. For this reason, emphasis is put on taking used lead cells to a reputable battery recycling Dallas TX depots to help you in disposing or reprocessing the product.

The processing of making the used product useful involves collecting, sorting and processing them into raw materials that can be used in production of new items, therefore, preventing spillage to the landfills. There are a number of advantages aligned with the reprocessing of spent batteries, for instance, in saving energy, saving the environment and reducing pollution, saving natural resources, economic advantages and many more.

The transformation of used batteries into raw materials for manufacturing other new products saves a lot of energy consumed during production. This is true if you compare the amount of energy required to produce a product from scratch with that of reprocessing. Apart from the energy needed to get and move the raw material, the natural state is also saved.

During the reprocessing of spent batteries, all components including metals and acids are used in manufacturing of new batteries. For instance, the lead is usually utilized in new batteries more than once, plates are reprocessed and reused in other batteries, the acid is neutralized or purified prior to releasing it as pure water or used to make other compounds such as sodium sulfate. The sodium sulfate extracted can further be used as fertilizer or dyes.

Alternatively, you can take your spent batteries back to an automotive repair shop who will replace it with a new one. Today, most states have come up with laws that defines how the product should be disposed. However, when you take the used batteries to an automotive, you will be required to pay an installment of the same.

The recycling process starts when all combustible elements like insulation and plastic are removed. At this stage, a thermal type oxidizer fired by gas is used and the gases forced to a plant that purifies them while getting rid of poisonous chemicals. At this area, the cells are washed and consequently the metals removed.

Later the cells are cut into sizable pieces, which are heated until they turn into liquid. The non-metallic products are burnt into a black slag depending on the weight of the alloys, which sinks down and later on skimmed off. In some cases the reprocessing of the metals might not be separated completely, but in such they are heated individually to produce alloys.

Due to the danger posed by these byproducts, emphasis is put in taking your car batteries to well known battery recycling Dallas TX organization or agent appointed by manufactures. It is important to note that without proper disposal of these products they might still come back to us through food and drinks. If there is no firm that you can take your spent spent batteries, it is advisable to follow the disposal instructions or send it back to the manufacture.

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