Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sustainable Development Through The Formation Of Green Schools Westchester

By Claudine MacDonald

Environmental degradation forms one of the thorniest problems bedeviling the world in the recent past. The world continues to be more populated by the day but this growth is not in tandem with the increase in resources found herein. This has led to the depletion of these resources since they are outstretched with the number of people they serve. They, therefore, get degraded. Sustainable development has become the concern of the modern world and the Green schools Westchester are founded on this foundation.

Since the resources the earth is bestowed with have, in the past, not been used in a way that is sustainable, the formation of these learning institution was inevitable. Humans are known to have many needs which cannot be met by the existing resources. This led to the degradation of the ecosystems therein, a state that needed to be remedied. Among the contributors of the degradation are pollution, global warming, food insecurity, climate change, and insufficiency in the supply of water among other factors. These green training institutions are thus very relevant.

In instances, training institutions have credited with the impartation of life's values. It has been seen that schools impact greatly on a child life. This is what advised the commencement of the sustainable development action plan in the learning institutions. When these students are imparted with this knowledge, they are able to appreciate their role in society as far as sustainable development is concerned. When these students leave training college, this knowledge helps them a great deal in the society and aids them in being good ambassadors of the environment.

There are various stakeholders of the green schools who form teams. They are very critical in the running of the learning institutions and they involve all the major players in any society. The teams are made up of parents, administrators, teachers, facility managers, and students.

These training institution function in form of a coalition whose mission is ensuring the education of the students is advanced. The coalition is also credited with the impartation of the best practices in relation to the sustainable development in the training institutions as well as the entire communities of Westchester County. Members in the coalition share bets practices and learn from one another.

One of the goals of the training colleges is to share the best practices as well as resources in the most organized way. It is also in the goals to leverage each of the Training institution successes. The third goal revolves around facilitating the implementation of the action plan for sustainable development.

There are several aspects which set apart the green schools from any other. They aid in the reduction of the impacts associated with the environment. They also aid in the improvement of learning as well as teaching conditions in the training colleges. Lowering the operational costs and the generation of goodwill with the communities the training institutions are built are also grounds on the decision on whether the schools are green or not. These training institutions instill the notion that the environment is interconnected with both the social and economic facets of the society.

Several benefits are associated with Green Schools Westchester. One of these is the fact that the cost of energy is greatly reduced. There are also learning as well as health and in addition to productivity benefits associated with the schools.

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