Friday, January 25, 2013

Why There Is A Need To Pay Attention To Gutter Cleaning Vancouver BC

By Rebekah Alford

Gutters are narrow ducts placed around the edges of the roofs of houses in order to collect water from the rains. These channels take the water into drains. But the gutter being open, not only collects rain water but also leaves and flowers and buds which are shed by trees around or blown in by the wind. A clogged drain defeats the purpose for its installation and hence the need for gutter cleaning Vancouver BC.

Accumulation of water occurs when gutters are clogged. This may cause dripping of water and seepage into the house. Water when it stagnates, at the base of the house can damage the foundation. A health hazard would be mosquitoes breeding in this stagnant water. Clogging also promotes the sprouting of grass and leaves in the gutters.

In order to prevent debris from clogging gutters, guards are installed. But smaller particles get past the guard and make it ineffective. Once more water is not able to flow freely. Another danger in cold climates is that the accumulated water can become ice leading to other problems. Therefore, it is mandatory to clean and repair gutters biannually.

Till recently, gutter cleaning Vancouver BC was a difficult and dangerous job. Often, it entailed leaning a ladder on the side of a roof and climbing it to do the uncluttering. Some even climbed on rooftops and perched themselves precariously to clean the channels.

Increasingly, newer and more convenient tools are available for the job. Choosing to clean these channels in autumn, after the leaves have all dropped would be the best time. When leaves and twigs are still dry, a hand-held blower can help blow them away. But quite often, the buildup of debris becomes caked and quite solid. Using a water hose or a pressure hose could splatter the exterior walls with the dirt.

When manually cleaning, it is advisable to use a gutter scoop or a garden trowel. Getting rid of debris should start at the down spout area. It is here that most leaves and twigs collect. The much cleared can be collected in a bucket and successfully used in the compost bin. Flushing by using a garden hose after the clearing can indicate how well the draining takes place.

Today there are cleaning wands available in the market. A telescoping wand has extension poles which can reach great heights. The wand is a flex model which can be twisted or turned to reach into the channels. And, standing on the ground, a person can clean gutters.

Yet another innovation in gutter cleaning Vancouver BC is the introduction of robotic helpers. These can effectively move down the channels on their own. They are able to detect the debris and clear them away with powerful jets and, at the same time, clean the channels with brushes attached to them. So the task of cleaning gutters has become a lot easier and definitely safer, thanks to these useful gadgets.

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